
Though they just tried their first one yesterday, it’s no surprise to me that my boys like coddies. It’s in the genes.

Don’t know what coddies are? Check out Cod Piece in the City Paper. Quick excerpt below.

Sometimes an era can be summed up by the most mundane of things. For many Baltimoreans whose childhoods hark back to the 1960s and earlier, for example, the era in which they grew up is entwined with the memory of a deep-fried fish treat served up on a mustard-slathered cracker….

The coddie, which seems to have made its appearance locally in the early 1900s, peddled by Russian Jewish immigrants in East Baltimore, could have easily been dismissed as a poor man’s crab cake. But they were a perfect fit in a town already wild about seafood, and coddies grew in popularity. It probably helped that they were cheap back when they first hit the scene–2 cents apiece in most places, the price rising to around 5 cents each by the ’60s.

So, my great-grandfather was Samuel Sherman of Sherman’s Coddies fame. Okay, fame might be a teensy bit of an overstatement. But around here, coddies were very popular! They’re still around in some places, but harder to find.

But yesterday at the Fells Point Festival, we walked past a food vendor selling coddies! Yes!

The boys were a little nervous to try them but they loved ’em! (Important to note that we do not put mustard on ours. Andrew might, and most people do, but me and the boys? We’re purists. Plus, I hate mustard.)

We even stopped back for more a few hours later after we walked and shopped and hung out. It was a beautiful day. Perfect weather. Everyone happy.

Nothing makes a great birthday like a day with the family. And great coddies.

9 thoughts on “Coddies.

  1. Now what an interesting – and timely – post, Wendy. I’ve heard of “coddies” before but wouldn’t have known how they differed from “cod cakes”.

    But that’s not why this is timely in our house.

    The British love their “fish cakes”. They can be cod, haddock, salmon, etc. Although those made with crabmeat are generally called “crab cakes”, those made with other fish aren’t usually called by their fish varietial name only.

    So when I brought home what I proclaimed to be “cod cakes” last week, John broke into laughter. “COD CAKES”?, he exclaimed!!! He told me they are are “fish cakes” – made with cod.

    What’s the difference, I asked?

    We would NEVER called them “cod cakes”, he said.


    That’s when I once again mentioned “spotted dick”!


  2. I can’t believe I missed your birthday again. I think that makes everybody, this year–and that was my new year resolution.

    Happy Late!

    And I’ve never heard of coddies, so this was very educational. It looks delish, and I’ll take mine with mustard, please.

  3. Happy Birthday!
    The boys are adorable – glad to see other boys growing their hair out – mine look like they are visiting from 1974 (I happen to think it is adorable, however :-))
    Coddies – hmmmm, I’ll have to try that.

  4. happy b’day wendy!

    and the coddies? will have to ask my baltimore bro if he knows about these. impressed that your kids ate those. btw, no way my daughter would ever eat them!

    i love fells point. looks like you had a great day.

  5. I noticed that everybody is in short sleeve t-shirts too! Looks like you were also blessed with great weather. and you know Q and I will try some coddies if we ever make it up that way. Glad you had a great day!

  6. Uncle Sol was the coddie guy at the swimming pool. Wow, just seeing the word ‘coddie’ takes me back 40 years. I’m surprised they still exist; cod is overfished, it’s pretty expensive these days.

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